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Comma supports exciting new BRDC Formula 4 championship


Comma used the occasion of the prestigious 'Autosport International' racing car show at the NEC in January to announce that they will be Technical Partner to the newly-created BRDC Formula 4 national racing championship.

Introduced as an affordable category of racing for young drivers making the transition to 'slicks and wings' competition, BRDC Formula 4 is the brainchild of former Formula 1 driver Jonathan Palmer, chief executive of the Motor Sport Vision (MSV) group of companies with which Comma will continue its long-standing alliance as Technical Partner in 2013.

"Jonathan Palmer has a great record as an innovator in helping to shape and launch the careers of aspiring Formula 1 drivers," said Comma Sales & Marketing Director, Mike Bewsey. "Our association with MSV dates back to 2006 when Comma sponsored Jonathan's son Jolyon in the ground-breaking Formula Palmer Audi championship. Jolyon is now competing on the threshold of Formula 1 in the international GP2 series, and BRDC Formula 4 will provide a platform for young drivers with similar aspirations to take an important step towards realising their ambitions. Comma is proud to be associated with this exciting and forward-looking new championship, which has the full support and recognition of the BRDC."

Picture caption: Mike Bewsey (Right) and Jonathan Palmer celebrate the launch of Formula 4.

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